Our Partners and Certifications

Impact Metrics

We are continuously working towards minimizing our contribution to the landfill. With each passing year, we come up with more creative ways to divert our waste and donate items back to the community.


cubic yards

Waste diverted in 2024

Donation Stories

Indigenous Innovations Canada

We recently partnered with Indigenous Innovations Canada to provide them with a massive donation of medical mobility and accessibility equipment – including medical scooters, chairs, shower supports, commodes, and walkers – all in good condition and ready to use. 

Atira Women’s Resource Society

In 2021, we managed to repair and donate a handful of fully functioning electric mobility scooters to Atira Women’s Resource Society that would have otherwise been sent to the landfill.

Bettes Boutique

In November 2021, we donated approximately 1200lbs of clothes to Bettes Boutique, a free store for women in the DTES