Spring Cleaning Maintenance Checklist for Rental Properties

Our friends at No More Dust wrote an awesome article on “Spring Cleaning Maintenance Checklist for Rental Properties”. You can find the full article HERE.
Although it may not be apparent right now, the calendar never lies. It indicates that spring is close at hand. There is no better moment to start planning how to take care of your rental property than when the first sunbeams appear and usher in spring.
Before spring fever sets in, you must begin spring maintenance for your rental homes. A printable spring cleaning checklist ensures you do all those crucial tasks. That’s why we’ve curated this guide to guarantee that your rental property is prepared for the season. As a result, your tenants will spend more time outside as the weather warms and spring flowers bloom. Read on to learn more about these springtime must-dos and how they’ll help.
Why is Spring the Perfect Season to Clean?
It enables a thorough refresh
Since you can dust the rugs and leave the windows open, spring is a great time to thoroughly clean and tidy. Studies have revealed that half of all American adults believe spring’s beginning entails cleaning. Decluttering and floor polishing are the leading two duties for landlords this season. Don’t fret. There are professional cleaning services to help you with these.
The Prevalence of Germs
People spend more time outside in the spring, inviting more dirt and germs inside. Although spring marks the end of the cold and flu seasons, it’s vital for individuals to still exercise caution due to the bacteria and germs that can live on surfaces and accumulate in enclosed areas of their houses.
The Presence of Extended Days
The long hours accompanying the spring season throw light on the dirt that has amassed over the winter. You become aware of all the dust and smears that built up over the last year and are motivated to get everything cleared out to introduce fresh energy. You can achieve this by hiring an experienced property manager in Richmond.
The Emergence of Animals and Birds
Spring is also when creatures who took a much-needed slumber throughout the winter return. While listening to cheerful chirps or enjoying the first glimpse of your local animals may be nice, it also comes with perks. First, there may be more animal-related damage and other things, like debris from nests. There’s a likelihood of more pests. Spring cleaning prepares you well for these occurrences and keeps your rental pest-free through the season.
Historical and Religious Purposes
There are also historical and religious reasons behind spring cleaning. Several households now conduct a spring cleaning ritual every year. Jewish and Iranian civilizations are also at the foundation of spring cleaning. Chinese people also practice a comparable tradition. These customs have all existed for a very long time.
Importance of outdoor and indoor preventative maintenance
Prevention of Internal Damage
If you don’t keep up the outside of your house, moisture may seep in and cause substantial harm in the way of rot, mold, or mildew in the walls. Although your home’s poor maintenance does not result in water entering your house, the air still may. Since heat leaves in the winter and oozes in during the summer, this will likely raise energy costs.
Lengthening the appliance’s lifespan
Your home’s water pressure, air quality, and other factors all suffer negative impacts when dirt and debris are allowed to accumulate. This can affect the useful lifespan of appliances. Preventative maintenance helps you sort out valuable appliances and discard redundant ones. It also provides ways to effectively use these appliances and preserve them for future seasons.
Reduction of maintenance costs
Ultimately, all these point to the fact that preventative maintenance reduces costs. Generally, unplanned upkeep costs three to nine times as much as scheduled maintenance. Please correctly conduct both indoor and outdoor preventative maintenance to ensure a complete equipment overhaul, which would result in exorbitant expenses.
When you initially start doing preventive care, the upfront fees may seem frightening, mainly if your rental is on a limited budget. However, you should know that this action is an investment in the long-term value of your home.
Spring Cleaning Maintenance Checklist for Rental Properties
Examine the gutters.
Although you likely understand how to wash your gutters in the fall, it’s crucial to do so before and after the rainy season. Winter storms, after all, sometimes carry loose debris. Inspect your gutters and the gooseneck of the downspout for any debris that could cause a clog. To avoid a clogged drain that results in a leaky roof and water damage to the building’s exterior, blast loose debris out with a garden hose.
Check alarms and replace batteries
The average smoke detector’s lifespan is ten years. However, the typical lifespan of a carbon monoxide detector is seven years. Therefore, to ensure they are still operating correctly, you should test them frequently, one at a time.
Replace the batteries simultaneously. A battery change is often necessary once a year for detectors. It’s simple to ensure it gets done by including this battery swap in your overall spring maintenance routine.
Examine the roof
Maintaining energy consumption, controlling interior building conditions, and keeping a home warm and dry are all benefits of well-maintained, high-quality roofing. They also look fantastic, improving your property’s aesthetic as a whole.
Examining the shingles should be the first step in any roof check. Each must be undamaged, positioned correctly, and free from dents or chips. In addition, it would help if you kept an eye out for nail pops, a prevalent roofing issue where a single nail starts to force the tabs of a shingle up. Nail pops can cause water to flow beneath shingles, which may result in leaks and structural damage if left unattended.
Carry out pipe maintenance
Water pipelines are known to fare poorly over the winter. Pipes should not have any cracks, dents, or bulges. Examine well-connected pipes and hoses for potential leaks or inadequately sealed pipelines at pipe seams.
Look for evidence of pests
In the winter, insects and other creatures often hide out in the walls until emerging in the spring. If you recognize the signs of pests, now is the time to do away with them. If necessary, treat the unit with a professional pest control service.
Final Thoughts
A rental home requires year-round upkeep. However, spring offers more reasons to clean your home in that season. As a landlord, you may need help managing maintenance and matching vendors with tenant schedules. That’s why a checklist is available. Now, you can fully equip yourself with the proper knowledge to elevate your rental in spring.
For professional assistance, contact us HERE.