Back To School Carpet Cleaning Tips

Our friends at Carpet Keepers wrote an awesome article on Back To School Carpet Cleaning Tips. You can find the full article HERE.
Carpet Cleaning Tips
It is that time of year again, back-to-school! Kids are heading back off to school which means you may be seeing a little additional grime coming into the home. Here are some back to school carpet cleaning tips to help your carpet adjust to the new schedule.
Remove Those Shoes
If you haven’t already, now is the time to enact a “no shoes in the house” policy. Kids will be running around on the playground or walking on asphalt all day. This means oil, tar, dust, and debris will likely come into the home with their shoes if they are not removed.
It is best if you can have a bucket or shoe rack at the door so that minimal dirt is tracked into the home. If someone wears shoes in the house, be sure to spot treat any high traffic areas.
Don’t Forget The Backpacks
Backpacks can also harbor dirt and grime. Have a designated place for your child to place their backpack when they get home. Take a look at the bottom of the bag, do you see any dirt? If so, wipe it off with a wet cloth. If not, remove the needed items from the bag and put it away.
Backpacks can get pretty grimy. If a child places their backpack on the ground, dirt may stick to the bottom of the bag and makes its way to the carpet if the bag is not cleaned prior to entering the home. Therefore, always check the bottom of the backpack for any major dirt or grime.
Did You Check Those Lunch Pails?
Lunch pails are another secret carpet destroyer. Though it would be nice if all uneaten items were thrown away prior to returning home, that is not always the case. If a drink or other item spilled in the bag and the lunch pail is not properly secured, the liquid can make its way to your carpet. Therefore, always double check to make sure lunch pails are not leaking before bringing them inside.
Get A Professional Clean
Why not start the school year off fresh by getting your carpets cleaned by a carpet cleaning professional like CleanStart Property Services. We can have your carpets looking fresh and new just in time for the new school year. Just give us a call at 1-(855)-297-8278 to schedule your appointment today.